Reality TV

Netflix Love is Blind, Crazy, Drammatic or Romantic?

Love is blind is a Netflix reality tv show, where the contestant are divided in genders and date heterosexually. The purpose of this show is to get engaged without seeing each other first, then they get to live together, until the wedding, where they say the final yes (or no) at the altar. The whole engaging without seeing each other, how romantic or maybe slightly crazy that turns out to be.

What do you think about the concept?

At the beginning they date in special pods, these pods are designed like a comfortable living-room. You cannot see each other, but you can engage in conversation. Equipped with a notebook, they interview and select a potential future spouses.

Picture of Barnett in the pod

The encounters are really amusing. They make immediately deeper, more longterm questions, like how many children would you like to have? Or would you like to live in the city or country side? It gets personal very quick.

Barnett, is one of the contestants that stirs the pot most, by having 3 woman on his dating calendar; Jessica, Amber and LC. Everyone gets their hopes up when he asks them the hypothetical question; “what would you think about getting married to me?”

Jessica who was dating also Mark at the time, thinks Barnett will propose soon and chooses to tell Mark that she is interested in Barnett proposal. Mark is very disappointed, because Jessica is his only love interest.

Picture of Barnett and Mark in their pods

When Barnett lets her know the day after, that he feels strongly also towards the other women and he is really not sure who to choose. That is when she gets angry and leaves the pod, choosing to go back to Mark. What a twist!

Why is Barnett so indecisive?

He says he has fun with everyone, but he does not know who he could be in love with. Liking and loving is different. And don’t you agree that love evolves with time? He says he doesn’t want to marry someone to similar to himself, like he considers LC to be. With Jessica it is all fun talk, but the attraction lessened from his side.

Eventually he chooses Amber, the woman that is vulnerable, direct and scares him a little. Maybe traits he seeks to be himself, or feels most attracted to?

Picture of Amber

We usually label these guys as “players”, because they hurt us with their indecisiveness, but honestly, in this situation I really understand: it is a big decision to get engaged! Who blames him for wanting to make the right decision?

Cameron and his love interest, Lauren, get exclusive really quickly and say to each other also “I love you”, before even seeing each other! I mean, who says I love you so early on? Do you? These two were so sweet and vulnerable, crying together in the pod. It seems such a deep and special connection. When were not suprised when soon after they were engaged.

Picture of Cameron proposing in person to Lauren

The pod must have contributed to heighten all these emotions. Mainly I think it is because you are in hope for long-lasting love, wishing this will be the one. Everyone in these pods seems to be interested in marriage, their emotions run high, plus they all live together without distractions from the outside world. The woman talk in their communal house, the man do the same. To add and never to forget, the heavy consumption of alcohol, in and probably also between the scenes.

Have you notice how much drinks flow?

Not to judge, but Jessica was clearly tipsy when she talked to Amber about Barnett, after he told her he was not sure anymore he wanted to marry her anymore. Therefore she was really mad, calling him a fuckboy. Amber understood the situation in favour of Barnett, because also Barnett asked her what she would think about getting married. Plus, she clearly did not mind Jessica and Barnett falling out. I mean, less competition girl!

Picture of Jessica with a glass of wine

They are in for a treat, cause the engaged couples can go and a couples retreat in Mexico sponsored by Netflix. The couples that eventually make it to the engagement phase are Giannina and Damon, Amber and Barnett, Cameron and Lauren, Diamond and Carlton, Jessica and Mark, and Kelly and Kenny.

Would you also enjoy such a couple retreat with your future husband? It kinda already seems like a pre honeymoon!

Diamond and Carlton imploded soon on the love trip. They felt awkward together, Carlton was trying to be a macho alpha with his come backs, which was really odd to watch. Why do you think he acted this way? He says that he is nervous, because of fear of rejection. There is something important he hasn’t told her yet. He very slowly and dramatically reveals he is bisexual.

Picture of Diamond with Carlton, first evening together

He seems insecure about it, because he gets really defensive. She is surprised and does not know anymore what this means for her. It is a difficult situation, in which both have their reasons for feeling uncomfortable. Diamond is very disappointed he did not tell her before, she would have wanted to know this before getting engaged. He is disappointed cause she did not take his revelation too well. Both of their communication skills were laking in this moment of conflict, especially Carlton he should have been more respectful towards her. They were both so in love in the pods, but this did not translate to real life. Conflicts and misunderstanding came up immediately and destroyed their future together. They both left that day.

Picutre of Carlton when he throws the engament ring in the pool

The drama queen of this series is definitely Jessica though. Do you agree? I mean she is the drama villain, the one not content about her choices, wanting to get what is on the other side, cause the grass seems a lot greener. Mark asked her to be his wife, and she was so happy, but guess what, not about him, but about the attention she got from it! So her tears were happy tears, to move on with the show and continue the exciting vacation. What are your thoughts about Jessica? Is she insincere?

Picture of Mark when he proposes to Jessica in person

In reality, we see how there is no fiscal attraction from her side towards him. Poor Mark gets strong along. He is so young, sweet and naive. He seems so genuine and also mature for his age, since he is a family oriented guy. The funniest fact, while everyone the first or at second nights jumps into bed and gives also the sexual aspect a try, Jessica puts cushions between them and cannot even kiss her fiancé. Honestly, she seems distressed by him. Which make me think, who is out there faking it, or not feeling it, but rushed into something because it seems exciting?

Picture of Jessica and Mark at the couples greeting event

On the first night of this special retreat, Giannina gives Damion her dessert so quickly, they hadn’t even finished their main course yet. Some days into the retreat they start arguing, Giannina is nervous because Damian has been very distant and not as romantically open as in the pod. Damian wants to relax and enjoy the days. Has he forgotten he is engaged?

Picture of Giannina and Damian

He actually explains to her later that he is afraid to not being able to provide for her, because he jeopardised his job by coming to this reality tv show. Giannina is thankful he opened up and does not continue asking any questions. Later we discover something he did not tell directly to Giannina but to Kelly at the pool, that he cannot really still rap his head around the reality, because Giannina is different now from the pods. Why weren’t you honest with Giannina? Maybe because she is more fiery now? Less vulnerable and held back like in the pods?

Picture of Giannina with a glass of red wine

Kenny and Kelly are normal and the most boring couple of them all. No conflict, no differing opinions, as if they are staged to be this perfect couple. In reality they did not fall in love, there was no strong chemistry from the get go. It did not surprise me when the eventually did not get married. Later they explained how they actually decided already earlier, that they wouldn’t get through with the marriage, but they still kept on boring us until the wedding day.

Picture of Kenny and Kelly

Jessica continues to go back to Barnett many times, she says she has never been told the things Barnett said to her in the pod. Like, poor woman, she can’t get over this disappointment so fast, it has been only 2 weeks since. She also says she is more attracted to Barnett then to Mark, to whom she is engaged. I mean OMG What an emotional turmoil, and by far the most entertaining drama in the whole show! Seeing everyone happy, is beautiful, but also seeing someone so indecisive, so conflicted, is proper entertainment.

Picture of Jessica and Mark at Barnetts birthday gathering

When the vacation period ends, they get back to “real life”, where they will be moving in together in apartment building the show provides for them. In this process they will get to know each other through and through. By living together, seeing each others homes, meeting their respective parents. It is so much, in such short time. Did you ever fall and engage with someone so quickly?

Cameron is really committed to Lauren, he demonstrates this clearly when showing her his home. His house is a family home and he tells Lauren to move in with him once they are married. Lauren is overwhelmed by emotions and does not want to give her own space up completely, but you can notice her happiness in her voice. She is ready for him and he is so ready to marry her. Completely perfect couple. Of course they gonna get married. Lets not beat around any longer. The season has been out a while, you all know that. What are your favourite moments of Lauren and Cameron?

Picture of Lauren and Cameron

Amber sees Barnett’s home and meets his dog, Coda. After seeing his home, Amber opens up about her student and credit card debt. This is an important conversation to have before getting married. Good she opened up. Giving him time he needs to process and know where they stand financially together. Plus, she says she would like to be a stay at home mom. That means he will have to be the main bread winner. This are really important conversation. Did you have this financial conversation before getting married? Did this help your relationships future?

Picture of Amber and Barnett, meeting his parents

The cherry on the series drama top, was the moment when Jessica got totally drunk at the birthday evening party Amber organised for Barnett:

Jessica is clearly really drunk and sits next to Barnet to talk. Everyone else is also in conversations, somewhere else in the room. Barnet asks her how it is going with Mark. She opens up by telling him how much she was into Barnet at the beginning, but when he disappointed her, she noticed that Mark was there since day one. That is why she felt she should say yes to Mark. He says sarcastically: “Well then it is clearly meant to be.”

Picture of Jessica talking to Barnett

Jessica is so drunk and into her own emotions, she does not feel how uncomfortable this conversation is to Barnett. His face seems disgusted and awkward while talking to her. She asks him how her feels about Amber and if their relationship is more then physical. He explains her that it is more then that. So messed up, when she is so drunk and throughs herself at Mark, kissing and touching him. Why did she act out like this?

Picture of Jessica and Mark at the altar

Was that her plan all along? Go through with the process to be closer and maybe make Barnett jealous?

Someone else also having their good share of drama: Giannina and Damian. They face several fights, for how Damian talks to people, for his non committal way of engaging in their relationship, or why they are not having enough sex. Honestly, it is hilarious, these two are bickering so often. Damian clearly doesn’t feel comfortable with this open conflict as much as Giannina does. She is very confronting and direct in the way she expresses her emotions. Plus, Giannina is clearly stresset that Damians family does not want to meet her. All the beautiful initial phase seems to crumble slowly. Did you like them as a couple? Were you also heartbroken when he says no at the altar?

Picture of Damian and Gianninas faces at the altar

Who is your favourite couple? What did you like most in the series?

Are you surprised by who ended up marrying who?

Let me know if you’d like an article about your favourite couple, certain scenes or any another development of the show.

Did you also watch season 2?

Come and check out:

Love Isn’t Kind When It’s Blind

See you in the comments.

3 replies on “Netflix Love is Blind, Crazy, Drammatic or Romantic?”

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